- What is it that you do? A: We are performers. We perform fractured fairytales, spoonerisms, improvisation, commedia dell’arte, and interactive theater
- Where are you located? A: San Diego, CA
- What got you interested in starting out in this business? We are actors and natural born vaudevillians. My children were born inside the traveling trunk.
- When did you start performing? A: My husband was in the circuit for fifteen years before he met me, he had another theater group called, The Fault Line Players. When we met and married, he left the group and we started A Fool and His Lady in 1995, as we continued to have more children, we changed our name to, A Fool and His Family.
- What is your local faire or home faire? A: Escondido Ren Faire, and Koroneburg Renaissance Festival.
- Do you travel and if so, how far will you go? A: We have traveled all over the Southwest, but for the last few years we have been flown to Indiana for the, Rosenvolk German Medieval Faire.
- What advice do you have to give to others that are just starting out in this business? A: Don’t give up. Keep working on your shows, and apply, apply, apply. As for the vendors, remember to keep products reasonably priced and promote, promote, promote. Most importantly, have fun.
- How do you handle copying of your works? A: Sigh, this is a tough question. My best advice is to develop a close relationship with the other performers, so you all work as a team supporting one another. When you support and promote one another, then stealing doesn’t become a problem, because you respect each other. Also, is it important to Copyright your original work.
- What is your favorite food at faire? A: Oh gosh, we love Scottish Eggs, turkey legs, artichokes, baked potatoes… We love it all.
- What would you say (nicely) to a faire manager or owner? A:Thank you for the opportunity. How can we help you to promote this wonderful event? They have a very hard job. I feel it is our job to make it easier for them to grow.
- What do you have for a set (music/performance?) A: We have backdrops, costumes, etc.
- Why Renaissance Faires or theme? A: We love the live audiences, energy, and it is magical place. Q: What is it that made you so interested in this period? A: We are commedia dell’arte experts, and it has been a perfect fit for our theater shows.
- Do you do this all year long or do you just do it once a year? A: We do this throughout the year at different venues.
- Describe your first experience with us or your best experience (could be worst experience if you want to share that): A: Our first experience as, A fool and His Family, was wonderful because we were able to entertain and make people laugh as a family troupe. When the audience is laughing so hard, they have tears in their eyes, it is always a special moment.
- How else do you promote your music/performance? A: Facebook, Websites, but most importantly, word of mouth.
- How did you find out about us? A: On Facebook
- In five years (or less) my goal is to: We plan to continue developing new shows and growing our fan base. We would like to promote faire as a mainstream idea, i.e. reality shows, documentaries, etc.
- At faire, what garb/attire is your usual go to? A: My husband is always a Fool, so is my oldest son. I am dressed as “a lady”, as well as my oldest daughter. My tiny tot is usually Snow White, or Cinderella (before the gown).
- How many Faires other than those you are vending or performing do you go to? A: We are always performing at the faires we attend.
- Plug your website or fan page here (or both) Facebook: A Fool and His Lady, Mary Resenbeck, Douglas Resenbeck, Douglas Resenbeck II. Website: Resenbeck’s Performing Arts Academy https://www.facebook.com/a.fool.and.his.family/
A/N – Thank you so much for a Fool and his Family being featured this week! They sound like a lot of fun! That’s what I love about going to faire is that you can get your kids involved. This family shows how it can be done! ‘Till next week my friends! See thee anon!