Super Food Apothecary – NJ

Super Food Apothecary – NJ

  1. What is it that you sell?

Herbs, extracts, teas, herb and tea supplies, handmade jewelry and doing an occasional instructional or informative video.

  1. Where are you located?

Somerset, NJ

  1. What got you interested in starting out in this business?

In my mid-20s, I began looking for ways to heal myself without having to rely on doctors and the medical establishment. I started reading lots of books on herbalism, natural foods, and holistic healing methods.

After educating myself, I began to promote natural ways of healing and staying healthy. I am also an artist, and I began seriously studying art in 1978.

  1. When did you start selling or performing? In general or at renaissance fests?

In 1979, I began making and selling jewelry, in general. In 1989, I began selling herbs and natural products, in general. I was planning to begin selling at the Ren fests in 2020, but, of course, that didn’t happen.

  1. How are you compensating for this strange time we are in now?

I do online coaching and teaching sessions. I also sell products online. When life hands you interesting times, get creative. Use what is available to you.

  1. What advice do you have to give to others that are just starting out in this business? Or how to stay in this business?

Make content and use social media and the internet effectively. Keep meeting people. Don’t isolate yourself. Look for ways to connect and share online. Support each other.

  1. How do you handle thefts or copying of your works?

I don’t worry about it. I don’t make myself vulnerable, but I’m not paranoid. If someone steals my work or copies me, let them. I do my best to keep creating great content and stay one step ahead of everyone else.

  1. What do you miss most about faire?

The atmosphere, the people, the clothing, the music, the performers, the fun!

  1. Do you think that there will be faires in the future or what steps we should be taking next?

Yes, there will be faires. It will take some time to get back into the full swing of things. But for a while, I think it might give people a greater appreciation for what they were missing.

  1. Why Renaissance Faires or theme? What is it that made you so interested in this period?

I love the magic and romanticism of the past. The modern world is too commercial and surreal.

  1. Are you creating more stock or more content?

Yes, both

  1. In five years (or less) my goal is to:

Have a place where I have more room to create and to coach and teach people in person.

  1. If events are not happening again this season, what do you plan on doing?

Same thing I’m doing now.

  1. What makes your wares unique or different?

I have extensive knowledge and experience in the field.

  1. What makes you stand out?

My long, white hair. Also, I am a font of knowledge.

  1. What was your very first experience at a renaissance festival? What education or training if any do you have that led to what you do?

I have many years of reading, research, and training in my background. I have a Master’s Degree in Psychology, and I am a certified massage therapist, Reiki Master, and yoga instructor.

  1. Plug your website or fan page here (or both),

A/N I’d like to thank Conny for letting me feature her wares on this blog. Again, I do NOT do any research on any products or wares, you will need to research the website she provided.

If you, your troupe, your group would like to be featured on the blog, please reach out to us on the fan page at

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