All Hail the Harlot Queens

All Hail the Harlot Queens

  1. What is it that you do?

We are a troupe of several experienced female Renaissance Faire
performers that create comedic shows, both family friendly and PG-13. We sing both original and traditional music, and utilize audience participation through storytelling and games. Our characters are based on colorful and empowered women of history.

  1. Where are you located? We are located in New England, but travel for performances.
  2. When did you start selling or performing? In general or at renaissance fests? Our actors come from a variety of backgrounds. We have trained a trained opera singer, church organist, professional country singer, comedians, swords-women, and improvisation actors.
  3. How are you compensating for this strange time we are in now? We have concentrated our time during the pandemic on learning how to record separately, create music videos, code websites, and performing in online faires.
  4. What advice do you have to give to others that are just starting out in this business? Or how to stay in this business? We have found the best way to continue being hired at faires is to be kind and supportive to everyone, and maintain professionalism. We are there to bring joy and excitement to our audiences.
  5. What do you miss most about faire? We miss the roars of laughter, the energy of the crowd, the looks on the faces of children (Not at the bawdy shows! Tee-hee!) and the food!
  6. Do you think that there will be faires in the future or what steps we should be taking next? We absolutely believe that faires will be back in the near future, but we sincerely hope that virtual faires will stick around! We have made so many new friends and connections this way.
  7. Are you doing any online sales or virtual performances? Yes. We host a sporadic Happy Hour event
    every few weeks on Thursday evenings, and release music videos on our social media.
  8. Why Renaissance Faires or theme? What is it that made you so interested in this period? I think for many of us, we enjoy playing larger than life characters, immersive theater and dressing up in beautiful garb. Also, we find Renaissance Faires to be open and accepting places, and we’re all about supporting one another.
  9. In five years (or less) our goal is to: Release an album of original material and travel to more faires outside of our region.
    Plug your website

A/N – I also found them on YouTube so please hit the SUBSCRIBE button. Here is their Facebook page as well –

I do have a bunch of interviews in the queue, so keep an eye out for more interesting people to meet even virtually at this time.

Thanks goes to The Harlot Queens for letting me feature them on the blog.

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