I’m John, the creative half of Curses of Dark Corner. My wife and I met while working in the haunt industry. So, we primarily performed in the fall, leaving spring open. So, she started with Garf, [Georgia Renaissance] pulled me in to work the Elf ear booth, we ended up bringing our stage act to their Village haunt and we seemed to kind of tumble further in to the community!

We were set to co host a second set of pub crawls but as the season began, it seemed more as though we had been set up to serve drinks while another fellow was the host. We were upset and backed out of the role. We were able to hash matters out and return to street cast where we had the time of our lives. It was a blessing in disguise, as we were no longer constrained by a stale script or pub crawl schedule. We were able to be more creative and engage guests in their comfort zone!

We coined #FriggAndFracDidNotStealTheCrown
And had guests wear a crown and pose for pictures with us. The gimmick was to confuse the matter as to who stole the crown. After all, if EVERYBODY stole it then NOBODY stole it. The king can’t behead us all. Who’d pay taxes?!
Then there was a quest to locate a genie lamp. This scavenger hunt type game gave guests clues to find a shop where we’d placed a genie lamp. If they brought back an image with their ” magic fairy box” we’d give them a trinket reward. If they couldn’t find us, we’ll, they could always post #FriggAndFracDidNotStealTheLamp

So, with all the hash tags and pics shared on the Unofficial Georgia Renaissance Festival page, we shot up in popularity for first year street cast characters.
We’re proud of our work and hope to add the element of music to our Frigg & Frac characters as we had to our haunt characters Madam Cassandra and Gori Gorilla! I’ll attach pics as a visual aid to all this. We hope you find this to be an entertaining blog piece.