Yee Haw! Meet the Stick Pony Lady – AR area

Yee Haw! Meet the Stick Pony Lady – AR area

  1. What is it that you do or sell? I set up and run Stick Pony (stick horse) races and Stick Pony jousting
    using one of a kind stick ponies I make and also sell at renaissance fairs and events.
  2. Where are you located? I live in Stamps, AR, but I am a Texas girl through and through.
  3. What got you interested in starting out in this business? This particular incarnation of my business
    fell in my lap in a way. I started Houkreative as a pageant wear designer, you know toddlers and
    tiaras type pageants,I actually had several dresses and outfits on that show but I got really burnt
    out so I went back to doing craft shows with my friend. We were doing signs and ornaments and
    stuff, well I looked over at my huge fabric stash one day with a craft show coming. I remembered
    how much my boys loved their Stick ponies and my daughter was in her cowgirl phase. So I sat
    down and drew up a horse head. You know, using my expensive Art school skills. I think I made 8
    at the first craft show and sold 7. From there I did cowboy themed events, reenactment events,
    and so renaissance fairs came next. And oh boy did I find my people. It was actually a cowboy event that
    started the stick pony races.
  4. What was your local faire or home faire? I don’t necessarily have a home faire but I have a couple of
    faires that I will always do. Queensferry because it was my first and we are a family.
  5. How are you compensating for this strange time we are in now? I finally started setting out a tip jar
    for the stick pony races. I do them for free and I have prizes so to offset the cost I have a tip jar.
    My husband John helps us set up and then recently he leaves and goes to door dash in the
    nearest town/city while 3 of us stay at the fair. It helps cover gas, food, hotel, and this year tents
    and muck boots.
  6. What advice do you have to give to others that are just starting out in this business? Get a real tent
    and skip the pop up if possible. IF not the $90 on from Walmart so it doesn’t hurt so bad when
    you have to replace it. I have gone through 7 pop ups this year alone. Otherwise just jump you
    make your dreams come true.
  7. Or how to stay in this business? Stubbornness, as Bowling for Soup said, “Pick a path and stay the
    same charisma is the key to opportunity.” Actually it is in the song My Hometown but it was said
    by one of our professors from Midwestern State University.
  8. How do you handle thefts or copying of your works? I don’t. I have had other vendors or patrons say
    the dreaded “I can do that cheaper/better.” I respond with Good Luck and send me a picture
    when you’re done. Catty maybe but as I stated, I hand draw all my patterns. There are a couple
    of places you can get patterns for stick ponies, but to my knowledge I am the only one that does
    elephants, chickens, sharks, alligators, rhinos, axolotls, sand worms, man eating plants, and other
  1. Why Renaissance Faires or theme? Well first the horses, unicorns, dragons or as the middle child (a
    marketing guy) says, “Creatures on a Stick” just fit the renaissance theme, but I have always been
    a huge history buff. I love historical fashion. But once I got to renaissance faires I found my people. We are all a slightly different breed aren’t we?
  2. What is it that made you so interested in this period? One of the few assignments I turned in
    completely and excited about Sophomore English on Romeo and Juliet. I did a report on the
    compare and contrast of the Romeo and Juliet time period clothing which was more medieval
    and the Elizabethan clothing which was renaissance. I think that my paper on Janis Joplin and
    maybe senior year on the Beatles were the only papers I have ever actually researched and
    written, everything else I did was very lackadaisical if I did them at all.
  3. Describe your first experience with us or your best experience (could be the worst experience if you
    want to share that) . So I just had my favorite Stick pony Race happen this year at the Acadiana
    Festival. We had an exhibition race with cast and vendors (all adults). One of the cast had some
    coconut shells and he loaned them to people to make the sounds. (side note I am not searching
    coconut shells if anybody has some). We had the Fae, Tarr the Troll, a black smith, and several
    pirates racing. There was some pushing and shoving which I don’t allow the kids to do as well as
    much cheating. So we had a pirate that started walking and not running before the start of the
    race, the Fae and the black smith were pushing and shoving and sometimes using the ponies as a
    weapon, and Tarr turned around a little early. The Fae would have won except he stopped to
    pose for a picture and Tarr kept going and beat him by crossing the finish line first. It was a great
    time and the video is up on Tiktok and YouTube. I think the adults have more fun racing stick
    ponies than the kids do sometimes.
  4. At faire, what was your garb/attire your usual go to? Well for Renaissance faires I have a fun Rainbow kirtle which I made. I figure I am a kids event and toy maker so I get to have a fun dress\right? Although for Viking events I have a red dress with an aqua viking apron they are my brand colors.
  1. What makes your act/wares unique or different? As far as I know I am the only one in the Ren Faire
    world doing stick pony races and joust. I know I am the only one making the Stick Ponies like mine.
    Some faires do have the wooden stick horses but mine ore stuffed.
  2. What would you say to a new person looking to try out or vending? Just do it. I mean do your research
    and know whether your product has a market that is over saturated. But then just do it. Life is too
    short to not following a dream!
  3. What is your go to for food at faire? I have to defer to my oldest son and daughter. I have odd and
    severe food allergies so I don’t typically eat at faires sadly. But they both say Smoking Ice Cream is it.
    You can name a food vendor or if you are a food vendor, what is your most sold item? Their favorite
    food vendor is Dragon’s Breath Smoking Ice Cream
  4. What’s your idea for the future of faires? I hope they get bigger. I know they have grown so much
    already but there is room for growth.
  5. Plug your website or fan page here (or both)
    My Website:

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